U.S.C.G. Air Station San Juan

I started my aviation career by joining the U.S. Coast Guard, shortly after graduating from Harwich High School (Cape Cod, MA) in 1967. After months of training, I reported to my first duty station, USCG Air Station San Juan in Puerto Rico. After additional training I received my air crew wings and became a flight mechanic / SAR on the HU16E Albatross (goat). My years with the U.S.C.G. was certainly some of the great years in my life and a great start to what was to become. This page will share some of my photos and stories of those years.

My first introduction to Antilles Air Boats. VS-44 "Excambian" was the neighbor next door (1968)

Returning to San Juan. Flying over Ramey A.F.B.
B-52 / Strategic Air Command

Naval Air Technical Training Center - NATTC - Millington, TN / Aviation Hydraulic Mechanic School 1968

Naval Air Technical Training Center - NATTC - Millington, TN / Aviation Structural Mechanic School 1968

San Juan Air Station

San Juan Air Station

Brooklyn Air Station

A San Juan specific stencil and red spray paint was kept in the HU16 interior cabinet to inconspicuously let other Air Stations know when we visited. It was reciprocal until Command decided ...enough.
There were many happy feet appearing in/on HU16's for awhile. (inside a wheel well, or under a nav table, etc.)
Miami Air Station
Speaking of "Happy Feet"

The Black Angus was directly across the street from the base.
Searching for an "overdue to destination" vessel or aircraft can be a daunting task. You conduct large search patterns based on known information. You may fly at a higher altitude to gain a better perspective of the water below. A perfect search day would be clear skies and no wind but that was very rare. Any wind would cause white water and the crew needed to be very diligent in the methods of searching those waters. I have been on searches with multiple aircraft searching from sunrise to sunset without the anticipated find, You know when you search, that if you take your eyes away for a moment, that could have been the moment, the opportunity to change from search to rescue. I was proud to be part of crews that understood the task and took it very seriously.
It was rare but some guys arrived with less than a stellar attitude to be a Coast Guardsman. I remember on one
occasion we were on an extended search. I was positioned on my secured stool at the rear fully opened hatch and had my safety harness secured to the upper bulkhead. I had a full unobstructed view of the search area. On the opposite side of aircraft was another crew member at the opened half hatch. Under the hatch, against the bulkhead was a 25 man life raft at the ready for deployment in the event it was necessary. The crew member to my back was not always looking at the water below and continued to be distracted. I told him more than once to stay focused. At one point he was looking out the hatch while fidgeting with the "D" ring on the 25 man life raft and I told him again to focus. On another day and another search, while flying with Rex Barton, this same individual was doing the same thing and playing with the "D' ring. Then it happened... while positioned on the stool, Rex was being pushed out the hatch by the 25 man life raft being inflated inside the HU16. He immediately grabbed his six inch knife from his ankle holster and started punching holes in the raft before he was dangling outside the aircraft. This particular crew-member had other entries in his personnel file... this new entry was his last. He was released from the U.S. Coast Guard. He didn't face any major departure issues. It was a just go home... thank you but no thank you. ​
- On one occasion, we got dispatched to look for an overdue aircraft that based on the flight plan departed from Georgia to San Juan. Once the aircraft was long overdue, aircraft from Miami and St. Petersburg Air Stations were included in the search. One the second day of searching the aircraft was located. The aircraft was found on the ramp at an airport in Texas. It seemed that the pilot told his wife he was going to San Juan and filed as such but went to Texas to meet his girlfriend. U.S.C.G. had searched for two days with cutters and aircraft because the wife called for help. She did not stand by her man. The U.S.C.G. used this case as well as others to go after individuals for restitution.

Upon arrival in San Juan I received not one but 2 nicknames. I was fresh out of "A" school so you didn't have much choice when given a name by your superiors. The first was "Ski" for my Polish ancestry. My name didn't end with ski but that didn't seem to matter. When I arrived the only pair of work coveralls in inventory was 2 sizes to big for me. I certainly looked goofy. Someone thought "Zero" from the Beatles comic strip would be appropriate. Couldn't shake it until I departed San Juan.

Rex Barton/H52 at San Juan Air Station 1969

We got the call that a fishing boat was taken on water and immediately dispatched the HU16 "Goat" with pumps to assist.
A 25 gallon drum included a self sufficient pump and hoses that would be dropped.
Lowering pumps from a helicopter is very controlled and precise. Dropping pumps from an aircraft was always a tricky maneuver. The drum with the pump would be positioned at the rear hatch on a small platform. A long trail line was attached to the drum and would follow the drum. The drum would be dropped to enter the water just beyond the vessel with the trail line crossing the bow. The pilot descends to about 100 feet, lines up with the vessel and pulls back power to about 100 mph. While giving the aircraft a little left wing down and a bit of a crab to allow me to see the upcoming vessel.
In my headset I hear "drop, drop, drop"
This was not my first drop and my previous drops were considered text book. This particular drop was not text book. It was a drama and a tragedy at that.
The drum made contact against the forward starboard bow.
You can only image the boats crew's relief to see the approaching aircraft coming to their aid when out of the sky comes a projectile crashing into the already distressed vessel.
Fortunately, we had additional pumps and we made another run with much better results. The pumps were put into service and the vessel returned to port for repairs including the additional damage brought on by the U.S.C.G.
Upon return to the San Juan station I was informed that I was now the first U.S.C.G airman (search & rescue) to receive a new billet of

photo credit Gary Pressnell
USCG Air Station San Juan's HH52 #1419 on board
USCGC Courageous in July 1969

Savanna Island, U.S.V.I.
photo credit Gary Pressnell
Gary Pressnell flew 1419 from the deck of USCGC Courageous in support of the construction of the navigation light on Savanna Island in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Just one of the many tasks of the USCG.

Skip Trubey's photos of USCG Air Station San Juan from 1965-66

A bizarre event on a search in 1969

AM2 Rex Barton fueling a Goat

Annual training...
Annual training for flight crews. We would be dropped in the Atlantic Ocean about 30 miles north of San Juan. Air Station Albatross crews would train on dropping a rescue raft . We would climb into the raft and spend some hours getting familiar with survival equipment before the HH52 Seaguard helicopter would pluck us out and up. Next day we changed rolls so the previous day crew could get wet.

Commercial airline flights from the States to Puerto Rico for the most part were being flown by DC-8 and B707 aircraft. Both had four engines. It was procedure that if any aircraft lost an engine, the U.S.C.G. Air Station dispatched a HU16 Albatross to be airborne and follow the flight into Puerto Rico International Airport. Needles to say these aircraft loosing one engine had little impact on their ETA into San Juan. The Albatross on the other hand... we would get airborne and watch them fly right by, if they had not already landed. Semper Paratus!
Miami (Dinner Key)

One day, all schedule personnel were working at the air station. No searches were being conducted, so we took advantage of conducting inspection and repairs on various aircraft. When with very little notice, a sizable water spout came through the mouth of San Juan harbor and slammed the air station. Hangar doors were closed but still the Albatross inside was doing a 360 spin. There were 2 HH52 helicopters on the ramp ... one was picked up and flipped and totally destroyed, the other was parked with rotor brake off (required to be on) and hovered about five feet with blades turning and settled down with no damage. A hangar wall buckled. Most cars in the parking lot were damaged with Rex Barton's International Travelall roof peeled back like a sardine can. The only injury was the Senior Chief breaking his leg... when he jumped in the spinning Albatross to set the brakes? I was in the Albatross working on a structural repair beneath the floor. The floor boards were removed when the Master Chief jumped in . Many personnel just grabbed something to hold onto until the water spout passed and quickly dissipated.
Semper Paratus

Note: There was a safety notice across the entry hatch but during the spin got detached. Also Rex's ride didn't look as good as this one. Rust develops quickly at the waters edge.
Heading 3

photo credit Joey Mole

more embroidered patches


Cape Cod Air Station

A few photos taken away from the San Juan Air Station.
Cape San Juan Light was an area of Puerto Rico near Fajardo. The light was operated by the Coast Guard and that gave us access to the beaches that were part of the secured property.

Cape San Juan Light

I took a couple of days off to take in the World Surfing Championship at Rincon. I was a surfer up north and it was exciting to have an opportunity to see the very best in the world. Years later I moved to Hawaii were I continued to surf but mostly watch more of the best.

< U.S.C.G. Air Station San Juan - rec-room. The single men lived in the hangar along with the on-duty section. The station had 4 duty sections. Each section included sufficient manpower to dispatch search & rescue aircraft for a 24 hour period. The rec-room not only included the pool table and ping pong table (shown) but included full length movies shown every night. I was one of a few that not only ran the movies but went to the Navy Base film library.to choose the films. The Navy changed them out periodically. We had lots of critics on movie choice. I realized early on... make friends with the guy that ran the Navy film office to get better films. Nothing worse than having the duty section arriving for the evening show and all you have is the "Wizard of Oz". It was not only the film but I had to keep the old projector working every night which including making parts. Even though I was happy to help beyond my regular duties it become somewhat frustrating to be THE movie guy. When someone else was taking care of the movies and had a problem... I was summoned even if I was not on base. The SHOW must go on.

Isla Grande Airport (SIG)

Some of us, single Coast Guardsmen rented an apartment at #4 Calle Clemenceau off of Ashford Ave. in Condado. I also worked as a part-time bartender at Art's Bar & Grille downstairs. Today it is small hotel. Will share more at another time.

1975 - Coast Guard moved to Borinquen and National Guard took over the hangar (Coast removed from name on hangar)
Antilles Air Boats - Shorts Sandringham S-25 flying boat housed in the hangar on left.

The image of U.S.C.G. hangar was taken in 2019. The area is currently a container port

Original seaplane ramps

San Juan Bay