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Before Antilles Air Boats...

       Aerovias Nacionales de Puerto Rico

Grumman Goose NC16910
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The very first Goose operating in Puerto Rico and the U.S.Virgin Islands was also the very first Goose produced (c/n 1001) NC16910 found its way to San Juan in 1940.


In 1936, brothers, Horacio and NarsIco Basso acquired  a Beechcraft B-18 on floats to start a commercial airline flights around the Caribbean.


ANPRI started  flights from San Juan to Vieques, St. Thomas, St. Croix and Culebra.


The first aircraft was named "Kofresi" after the famous pirate Roberto Cofresi.

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ANPRI's "Kofresi" in Charlotte Amalie Harbor, St. Thomas 1939


Grumman Goose c/n 1001 Built as G-21. Experimental CofA applied for 29May37 and first flew same date from Bethpage on Long Island, N.Y. Registered as NX16910 02July37 at TFH:25hrs. and Transfer of Title (BoS) to Lloyd-Smith 03 July37; delivered to co-owners, Wilton Lloyd-Smith and Marshall Field III, New York, N.Y. on 16July37 by pilot, Steve Parkinson. The G-21 Approved Type Certificate, No 654 was awarded on 29Sept37 and thus the aircraft was re-registered as NC16910 from that date, with License Authorization to expire 10Mar38. This was renewed 28Feb38 to expire 04Feb39, uprated to G-21A standard during 1938 with CofR 01July39; TFH: 672 HRS a/o 14Jun39, and 982hrs a/o 14Jul40 when it was offered to Royal Canadian Air Force. It was sold however by the estate of Lloyd-Smith to Aerovias Nacionales Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico 19Sep40 fpr $40,000; CofR 29Oct40 to expire 15Jul41; cvtd from 8 to 10 place airplane 11Nov40 with CofA to expire 15Jly41; CofA and CofR renewed 16Jly41; authorization for a flight from San Juan, PR toMiami, FL for an engine change 29Oct42. BofS to Charles H. Babb Co, New York, N.Y. 30Jan43 at TFH:2,336hrs, when it was again offered to RCAF and again refused. BofS to US Corps of Engineers, Edmonton, AB, Canada for work on the Canol ("Canadian Oil") project in Edmonton, AB, Canada 03Mar43 with CofR 04May43. The Goose was in fact purchased by the contractors on the project - WA Bechtel Company, HC Price Company and WE Calllahan Construction Company - but all their purchases were reimbursable by the US Government, so the Goose automatically became the property of the US War Department. A letter, dated 11 May48, states that the Goose was transferred "to the HQ Alaskan Wing, Army Transport Command, Edmonton, AB, Canada for operations on the Canol Run". Fate uncertain but as far as can be ascertained when project was complted all surplus aircraft were buried on site.


The above verbiage was transcribed from Fred J. Knights "The Grumman Amphibians"

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Aerovias Nacionales de Puerto Rico - "Kofresi"
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