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S/N B-88

photo by Mel Lawrence
Manufactured in September 1944 JRF-5 Bu84793
U.S. Navy - Alemeda, CA 1944-1948
U.S. Navu Surplus - BuAer 84753
Ellis Air Lines - Ketchikan, AK re-built 1949
Alaska Coastal-Ellis Airlines - Ketchikan, AK 1962-1965
Alaska Coastal Airlines - Juneau, AK 1965-1967
Alaska Airlines - Seattle, WA 1967-1969
Antilles Air Boats - U.S.V.I. 1969-1981
AAB ceased operations 1981 - aircraft stored A. Hamilton Airport - St. Croix
damaged by hurricane, abandoned as wreck.
Dean Franklin, Miami
Klaus Martin, Germany - in storage

photo by John Sternbergh
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