photo credit Elliot Epstein
S/N B-111

U.S.C.G. Air Station Brooklyn
Manufactured in January 1945 JRF-5
US Navy
BuAer 84816 US Navy (unofficial transfer to U.S.C.G)
U.S. Coast Guard - Air Station Brooklyn 1/45; Salem 2/45-7/46; formerly transferred to U.S.C.G. 7/31/46. U.S.C.G. Air Station St. Petersburg to storage at Aircraft Repair & Supply Center, Elizabeth City, N.C. 9/4/54 (total hrs. 2,927)
CF-UDD Lund Aviation Ltd. - Montreal, Quebec 1957-1963
Bill of Sale from J.C. Udd to below for $35,500 (total hrs. 4,212)
OB-AEX-702- Corporacion Archiepiscipal Catholico Romano de San Bonificacio-Vicariato Apostolico de San Jose del Amazonas 8/16/63
operated by Canadian mission in Amazon Basin
re reg. OB-V-702 1964
exported to Canada, struck-off Peru register 10/22/66
reg. CF-VIA
Bill of Sale to Antilles Air Boats $45,000 in 1967 (total hrs. 5,872)
reg. N7777V transferred from Canada to St. Croix
Antilles Air Boats - U.S.V.I. 1967-1978

photo credit Frank Strnad / Dawson Collection

photo by Charlie Freehling

photo credit Frank Strnad

photo by Charlie Freehling

photo by Charlie Freehling

photo credit Frank Strnad

photo by Charlie Freehling

photo credit Frank Strnad
photo by Steve Bell

photo sent by Chris Hanley

photo credit Cradle of Aviation Museum, Garden City, N.Y.