S/N 1165

Manufactured in January 1943 JRF-6B Bu0221
to RN FAA as BW818 ntu, FP515 delivered to Trinidad
to U.S. Navy as Bu66332 Mk. 1A
U.S. Navy Surplus 1945
Ellis Air Lines - Ketchikan, AK 1948-1962
Alaska Coastal Ellis Airlines - Ketchikan, AK 1962-1968
Alaska Airlines - Seattle, WA 1968-1972
Antilles Air Boats - U.S.V.I 1973-1981
AAB ceased operations 1981 - stored at A. Hamilton Airport - St. Croix
Relocated to Ft. Lauderdale 1982 (photo above -Keith Sowter)
David Bettencourt - Honolulu, HI (aviation attorney re-added registration July 1984)
Roland N. Duke - Costa Mesa, CA 1988-1992
Charles Glen Hyde - Roanoke, TX 1992-1999
Flight Data Inc. - Carson City, NV 1999-2010
Brett R. Mayes - Williams, CA 2010-2021
Southern Cross Aviation, LLC - Torrance, CA 2021-

photo credit Tom Anusewicz
photo credit Tom Anusewicz

phot credit Air Photographic International
photo from the Bodding Cpllection

photographed at Chalks International maintenance base at Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in November 1982

Capt. Ed Hanley