S/N B-46

Amazon Rubber Boom
Manufactured 1944 JRF-5 Bu37793
to RN FAA as FP471: BOC 4/24/44 SOC 3/5/45
Op -British Air Commission, USA
Rubber Development Corp. - Washington, D.C. NR46497 1945-1946
Arthur Williams/
British Guyana Airways Corp. 1946 - 1964 NC1048V / N1048V / VP-GAC
Guyana Airways Corp. 1964 -1969
Antilles Air Boats - U.S.V.I. 1973-1981
stored at Alexander Hamilton Airport, St. Croix until 1983
Dean H. Franklin - Miami, FL 1983-1984
Larry J. Siggelkow - Las Vegas, NV 1987-1992
Dean H. Franklin/Amphibians Inc. - Miami, FL 1992-2000
Dean H. Franklin Worldwide Aviation Distributors Inc. 2/1/00 to 5/10/00
Aero Accessories Inc. - Gibsonville, NC 2000 - 2005
purchased/dismantled into major components
Sam Damico - Pittsford, N.Y. purchased fuselage for planned rebuild of N327/1051
Antilles Seaplanes LLC - Gibsonville, NC offers Goose rebuild and sales April 2013

photo credit Stephen Piercey
photo credit Stephen Piercey
photo credit Stephen Piercey

photo credit Stephen Piercey

photo credit Peter Vercruijsse

photo credit Gregg Arveson

Dean H. Franklin - Miami, FL

photo credit Glenn Arveson

Post in Backcountry Pilot - Sept. 2011