Over the last fifty years, I have collected various photos, prints and collectables. Some have found their way to the walls, other to my files. No doubt I have gone through everything that is Antilles Air Boats and have posted to the website Maybe it's a good time to review and share some of the other items as well. A few AAB will be included if they are on display. SEAPLANES, Flying Boats and more...

Edwin Musick's Last Flight
Edwin Musick' Respectful Remembrance by Robert Stephen Simon
(Framed 28x31)

Igor Sikorsky and the S-42
The piece below is a collection I put together of Igor Sikorsky and his S-42 aircraft.
The photo is Igor Sikorsky in the forward hatch of the S-42 during the test flights. The mail covers are as follows; 1. First Day of Issue of $1 Seaplane Stamp on an limited design watercolor of the S-42. 2. Signed by Igor Sikorsky, First Day Issue of 8c Air Mail 1962. 3. A Igor Sikorsky commemorative envelope with First Day of Issue 36c stamp of Igor Sikorsky. (Framed 21x23)

December 21, 1926 - Kelly Field, Texas / 5 Loening-OA-1A amphibians were part of the goodwill flight "Army-Pan American Flight" to Central and South America. The good will mission was to take messages of friendship and promote U.S. commercial aviation and forge aerial navigation routes through the Americas.
Framed 7.5" x 26"

Loeing-OA-1A "San Francisco" (aircraft in above photo on the right) is currently in the National Air & Space Museum at Chantilly, VA

Pan Am Clipper - Martin 130
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 1938
Framed 13" x 21"

VS-44 "Excambian"
"Excambian" leaving N.Y. LaGuardia Airport's Marine Air Terminal
Andy Whyte print (framed 32.5 x 24)
below: handcrafted mahogany model

scale 1/100

1979 - Antilles Air Boats brochure when unfolded open. Received an original copy before folding from printer and framed in St. Croix.
(framed 22 x 24) see "timetables, postcards and more"

Aloha Airlines DC-3 passenger boarding 1950's
(Framed 38 x 32)

British Airways Concorde in Honolulu 1986
(Framed x )

From the Don "Bucky" Dawson collection

Aviation U.S. Postal Covers
More to come...