Antilles Air Boats' maintenance department consisted of 3 locations (St. Thomas, St. Croix and San Juan, P.R.), 50 licensed and unlicensed mechanics and included various shops (engine overhaul / fabric). This page will focus on the people and criteria to maintain the AAB fleet.

photo credit Tom Anusewicz

Developing additional database for Antilles Air Boats aircraft information which will include FAA Major Repair & Alteration / Form 337 , supporting documentation, registration, ownership and other related information.
See below.
Grumman Goose G-21A

Claude Austin, Maintenance Supervisor and Charlie Freehling, Chief Inspector... the very best in the business.

Grumman Mallard G-73

Vought-Sikorsky VS-44A

Consolidated Catalina PBY-5A
Shorts - Sunderland / Sandringham - S.25

Aviation Mechanics Journal - July 1980 advertisement
Grumman Albatross HU-16
AAB recruited licensed airframe and powerplant mechanics from various certified aeronautical school from the east coast.
above letter sent by Don "Bucky" Dawson

photo credit Jim Flanagan

Hugh O'Donnell
Jean Smith
Dean Franklin Aviation Enterprises
Miami, Florida
Grumman Seaplane /Parts Dealer
A busy ramp in St. Thomas. A great photo of numerous AAB aircraft in maintenance. The photo includes VS-44 (out of service), Super CAT/PBY, 2 Gooses and a Cessna 185 (N169E) on floats registered to Don Schell and Bill Sorren, pilots at AAB.
Senior maintenance supervisors, Claude Austin on left engine and Victor Pinheiro on the right. with pilot Bill Sorren walking across the ramp.

Jim Flanagan & Eric Crossfield performing a 100 hr. Engine Inspection

Leo Soto
Jim Flanagan
Horatio Belmar

Claude Austin, Mrs. Blair, Eric Crossfield and Andy Whitener

photos by Steve Bell

photo credit Charlie Freehling
photo credit Charlie Freehling

photo credit Kevin Murphy

Hugh O'Donnell
photo credit Charlie Freehling
Hugh O'Donnell & Eric Crossfield - G-73 Mallard N1208
photo credit Charlie Freehling
photo credit Charlie Freehling
Bonnie Austin
photo credit Kevin Murphy

Kevin Murphy
Victor Pinhiero - Maintenance Supervisor
at the maintenance shop in St. Thomas

Charlie Freeling, Hugh O'Donnell and GOOSE in St. Croix