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Grumman Goose G-21A
S/N 1053
S/N 1061

S/N 1149
S/N 1141

S/N 1150
S/N 1152
S/N 1161
S/N 1162
S/N 1165
S/N 1172
S/N 1187

S/N 1191
S/N B-19

S/N B-29
S/N B-46
S/N B-53
S/N B-60
S/N B-63

photo by Paul Wikander
taken from another Goose

S/N B-88
S/N B-100
S/N B-111

S/N B-131
S/N B-141

AAB closes in 1981 and moves aircraft to Alexander Hamilton Airport - St. Croix for future disposition

Great Reference !
A must for any library

41 cranks
to raise and lower landing gear (beaching gear)

Cyril E. King Memorial Services
January 9, 1978
To show their respect for Governor Cyril E. King, Antilles Air Boats dispatched 4 Gooses flown by its retired Air Force pilots that still remembered how to fly a tight formation. The formation flew along the coast, over Christiansted and final path over Kings Hill Cemetery.
"In a moving tribute, four Anitlles Air Boats thundered overhead in a cross formation"
N323 / N8229 / N74676 / N74588
Photos by Charlie Freehling

Several Ellis Airline aircraft found their way to AAB

Day'o (The Banana Boat Song - Stell Drum Island
00:00 / 00:00
Play / Mute
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