2 Grumman G-73 Mallards and 2 Fullers
While I continue to look for material for the AAB website, I sometimes take
a different perspective of material I have reviewed in the past. I found it
interesting that both J-6 NC2943 and J-8 NC2945 came off the Grumman assembly line in 1946 and both were purchased by Fullers. One to Fuller Brush (Connecticut) and the other to Fuller Paint (California). They both operated the Mallards for many years.
The purchasers of early aircraft recognized the opportunity to utilize the new equipment in business but it was always their sense of adventure and pursuit of the thrill that closed the deal. The newest amphibian aircraft on the market was drawing attention for many that could afford it.

Alfred C. Fuller
photo credit FORTUNE Mag 1937
Alfred C. Fuller started the Fuller Brush Company in 1906. It grew to involve multiple subsidies, including many that were international. It has a great history with some that can be read through various links below. Alfred C. Fuller gave up the leadership to his eldest son, Alfred Howard Fuller, when he was made President in1943. Howard's more bold and aggressive personality allowed the company to recognize positive changes that resulted in higher profits..
However, his temperament also contributed to his and his wife Dora's untimely death. Howard, always interested in thrilling, high-risk pursuits (such as driving sports cars, piloting airplanes, and racing speedboats and sailboats) was cruising through Nevada at 120 mile per hour for a business trip, uncharacterisically
accompanied by his wife, when his Mercedes-Benz 300 SL blew a tire. Both Fullers died in the accident in 1959. Following the accident, Howard's younger brother, Avard Fuller assumed the leadership of the Fuller Brush Company. Avard was more conservative and not the adventurer that his brother had been.
J-6 NC2943 arrived at Fuller Brush during Howard's presidency and was sold not long after his death. It was Howard more than Fuller Brush that operated the newest amphibian aircraft on the market in 1946.
photo credit AP wire
some verbiage above comes from previuosly internet postings

J-6 NC2943
photo Tom Anusewicz Collection
J-6 NC2943 spent nearly 15 years at Fuller Brush before its next owner., Pacific Airmotive Corporation. PAC Aero n Burbank, Ca. was more of a stopover of several months while being prepped for Nitto Air Lines in Osaka, Japan (JA5090). Nitto Air Lines merged with Japan Domestic Airlines. In 1966, after five years in Japan, J-6 returned to the U.S. when Frederick B. Ayers & Associates acquired the aircraft and reregistered to N7306. He owned the aircraft for less than 3 years before transfer to Aircraft Holdings and then again to Dean Franklin Enterprises, Miami in April 1970. Dean leased it to Chalk's International Airlines, where it flew for 4 years. On December 26, 1974, it was damaged upon landing in Miami and stored for further evaluation. 10 years later, Virgin Island Seaplane Shuttle (VISS) showed interest and secure options with the hopes of sending it to Frakes for conversion to turbine. It continued to sit in Miami and then Ft. Lauderdale until the certificate of registration expired in September 2016.
Nitto Air Lines
photo credit TKO - san

photo credit TKO - san
photo credit TKO - san

photo credit Mick Bajcar
photo credit Brian Burrage
photo credit Keith Sowter

J-8 NC2945
The W.P. Fuller Paint Company originated back in 1857 by William Parma Fuller (1827-1890) in Sacramento. Fuller had many partners and mergers over the years but for the most part had family members overseeing the company for generations. The history of this company is indeed a long one and will not get into the details except for the introduction of Frank W. Fuller, Jr.
Frank was the grandson of William P. Fuller, and grew up with the family business. He graduated from Stanford in 1924 with a law degree.
Frank W. Fuller, Jr.

photo Tom Anusewicz Collection
photo Tom Anusewicz Collection / Historic Images
Frank became the Secretary and Director of W.P. Fuller Paint in San Francisco and a member of the Executive Committee. Frank was an avid sportsman as well as an aviation enthusiast. He had the first flying license issued in the Territory of Hawaii. By the mid '30's, he started competing in air competitions including the Bendix Cup. From 1937 to 1941, Frank was a Director of United Airlines. As WWII approached, Frank became a test pilot for Douglas Aircraft flying many aircraft before delivery to the war effort. He then returned to W.P. Fuller Paint to continue the family business. It wasn't long after WWII that Frank bought his Grumman Mallard, which he flew for 30 years. See more about Frank and Malllard J-8.

photo credit Rudy Arnold / Smithsonian Institution / AirHistory.net photo archive

photo from Alamy (licensed for posting)

John Fuller letter August 13, 1985

photo credit Bill Larkins


Now and then
J-38 / Thomas S. Lee

Those in the know, knew the new Mallard was coming, but the ad in Times magazine in 1946 helped with bringing in new owners. Click on the owners to find out more.

J-17 George F. Ryan

J-44/ R.M. Hollingshead
J-42/ C.F. Kettering

What was true back when Grumman first introduced the Grumman amphibians,
still holds true today.
Their aircraft are still in demand and flown by those adventurous souls.