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Blair's Vision

maureen o'hara says...

Virgin Islander Magazine - Aug. 1978

Maureen shared her husbands vision in her monthly article shortly before his untimely death in September.

Charles F. Blair Jr. flew seaplanes and flying boats most of his life.

He recognized that taking off and landing on the water was not just for  a time that has gone by or for remote areas that do not have access to airports .  Most cities in the country as well as world wide were established along waterways, by a river or lake and harbors along the coast. In many cases, airports were being built further away from the cities they serviced.  Aircraft manufacturers continued to design land based aircraft and very few were looking at seaplanes.


As Capt. Blair continued to operate Antilles Air Boats he knew that he needed newer and larger seaplanes to truly be successful . He continued to discuss his vision with aircraft designers and manufacturers and not only for his Caribbean operations but his vision for operators in northern cities. I have posted below a few proposals that were sent to Capt. Blair for consideration.

Grumman 711 photo descrip.jpg


Aviation Week & Space Technology printed the article below in their December 4, 1978 issue. Just over 90 days after Charles Blair's untimely death. Any project to be successful needs someone to champion its efforts. Grumman was talking with Blair about Design 711 which ultimately went nowhere. 

The Grumman Amphibian - Design 711 

Grumman 711 photo.jpg
Grumman Study.jpg
Grumman 711 photo descrip.jpg

San Diego Aircraft Engineering, Inc. / SAE 69-102

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