It took over 6 years to see the return of direct flight to Kauai after Hurricane Iniki in 1992. Bradley Pacific received the contract to fuel United Airlines, the first airline to return on December 10, 1998. Bradley Pacific was awarded this contract just months before based on Bob Yosaitis and my relationship with United Airlines. This was truly the beginning of Bradley Pacific Aviation's into-plane fueling operations.
More on the early days soon.

Lihue Airport Heliport - Fuel Ops
Fuel Cabinet Fuel Truck

Lihue Airport - Fuel Storage Facility

The Tesoro Lihue Airport Fuel Storage was the main Jet-A fuel storage until the new HFFC storage came on line in 2019. I was part of the original development back in 1989. Before airport storage, those that needed fuel took there truck to Nawiliwili Harbor to access Harbor storage.

This was my AOA badge back in the eighties. Check out the expiration date. When the DOT-A changed to the next up graded badge (still prior to 9/11) I had one of very few badges that allowed me ONE badge for access to all island airports. After 9/11 my badge number in LIH was #7 ... a very low number due to my years at the airport. Finally gave up all my badges in 2012.