Anthony is an aviation historian and has been a great supporter of the AAB website. He is always sharing pieces of aviation history of St. Thomas, the Virgin Islands and Caribbean . He regularly sends on unique photos and info that finds it way on many pages on the website. Check out some his post to his Facebook page. Thank you Anthony for your assistance.

Born in May 1952
Graduated from Sts Peter and Paul Catholic High School, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Island - June 1971.
Retired from U.S. Army; 1971 to 1991. Served overseas in West Germany, South Korea and South Viet Nam as a Avionics Technician and Instructor.
Worked overseas in Saudi Arabia Civil Defense Aviation Agency as a Avionics Instructor/Technician on the Kawasaki KV-107 helicopters with Kawasaki Helicopter Arabia LLC.
Worked for Bell Helicopter Arabia as a Avionics Instructor for the Saudi Arabian Air Force with Agusta Bell AB-206 Jet Ranger, AB-212 and SH-3D helicopters.
Currently working at Avtec. Inc. in Lexington, SC programming, testing and repairing Communication Console Equipment used by airlines, railroad, utility companies and public safety agencies.
Hobby: Researching airline history, aircraft accidents and aviation mysteries.