Over the years, we have read stories from some that have worked at Antilles Air Boats. We have also seen video clip or read additional stories from some that didn't have a direct relationship with the airline. In some cases the facts have been less than accurate even though that was not their intent. Some may even say that of my comments.
I will refer to a few, not to disparage the writer but to maybe answer questions asked of me about the alternative facts.

Excambian was never Excalibur VII and the take-off is not St. Croix but Catalina (casino in background). Avalon Air Transport was the operator in this photo. The last flight for Excambian was January 1969, in the USVI
The eBay seller had this postcard for sale at $100
7/13/21 just marked down to $90 after many months
I sent a helpful comment to seller but it was not received as intended.

Sept. 7, 2021 - still looking for a buyer after 6 months on eBay
Sept. 21, 2021 back to $100
Dec. 24,2021 still for sale @ $100
just saying
Boeing 314 "Clipper" as a Shorts Sandringham ?
This modeler put in a great effort on this Boeing 314. Not trying to takeaway from this effort but need to clarify various points now that it is posted to the internet.
Certainly it is not a Sandringham (he states that he understands that it is a B314) a number of Sandringham models are available.
It is marked "South Wind" when VP-LVE was "Sothern Cross" , another artistic liberty
Antilles Air Boats ceased operations in 1981, A separate company, Virgin Islands Seaplane Shuttle started operations in March 1982 and continued until 1989. A common era.
AAB Sandringham was never used in "Raiders of the Lost Ark"

Various Shorts Sandringham models
